Our ‘Keeping Calm’ Christian 365-day perpetual calendar is full of life-giving Scripture and thought-provoking quotes. Printed on back of this inspirational perpetual calendar are eight practical insights that will help you in ‘keeping calm in a crazy-busy world’—practice praise, needless to say you will have purpose, hold onto Him in prayer, seek for His promises, live in His presence, receive His peace, operate in His power, play second fiddle. A perfect gift for any occasion. Cover: Keeping Calm in a Crazy-Busy World Sample copy: May 20 Quiet time with the Lord is the thing you wish to have most, in case you have the least time for it. August 3 Scripture: I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I would possibly not be afraid. You are with me, and Your shepherd’s rod makes me feel protected. Psalm 23: 4
Day-to-day inspirational messages
Assorted Scripture text
Padded cover
Spiral binding
Easel stand