vivofit jr. 2 isn’t only a fitness tracker for kids. It’s an interactive experience where activity unlocks adventure. The swim friendly band features a 1+ year battery life no recharging essential. With Vivofit jr. 2, kids can uncover Disney Princess adventures and games at the parent controlled app by completing 60 minutes of day by day activity. Whilst kids explore magical kingdoms with Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan and Rapunzel, parents can use the app to monitor activity, manage and assign chores and even give rewards to positively put in force good behavior.
Disney Princess kids fitness tracker with interactive app experience
Swim friendly band features a customizable color screen and user replaceable battery that lasts 1+ year; No recharging needed
Parents can get admission to chore management and reward tools at the parent controlled app
Motivates kids to succeed in active minute goals that unlock adventures, games and icons featuring Disney Princesses Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan and Rapunzel
Estimates steps, sleep and 60 minutes of day by day really helpful activity
Reminder alerts and task timer helps to keep kids on top of chores such as homework, practice time and brushing teeth