Will you run out of money in your older age? That’s the biggest worry for people newly retired or planning to retire. Fortunately, you don’t have to plan at the hours of darkness. Jane Bryant Quinn tells you how to squeeze a higher income from all of your assets—including your social security account (get every dollar you’re entitled to), a pension (discover whether a lump sum or a lifetime monthly income will pay you more), your home equity (sell, rent, or take a reverse mortgage?), savings (how to use them safely to raise your monthly income), retirement accounts (invest the money for growth in ways that let you sleep at night), and—critically—how much of your savings you’ll have the funds for to spend every year without running out. There are easy ways to figure all this out. Who knew?
Quinn also shows you how to evaluate your real risks. If you stick with super-protected investment choices, your money might not last and your lifestyle might erode. The same might be true if you rely on traditional income investments. Quinn rethinks the meaning of “income investing,” by combining reliable cash drift all the way through the early years of your retirement with low-risk growth investments, to provide extra money for your later years. Odds are, you’ll outlast you might consider, meaning that your savings will stretch for many more years than you will have planned for. With the help of this book, you’ll turn those retirement funds into a “homemade” paycheck that will last for life.